Be part of the language learning movement in early childhood education!
- create brighter, smarter multilingual kids
- have happier and loyal families
- attract new families easily
- become a beacon and magnet in your community
Languages learnt in high school are harder to learn and maintain. You are also not utilizing the Golden Window of language learning in early childhood. Americans are behind Europeans when it comes to exposing our kids to a foreign language. One of the reasons why Europeans are multilingual is because they learn other languages early and young.
Now we can raise the next generation of multilingual Americans with our groundbreaking method. Our children can embrace all the brain benefits during this crucial stage and be prepared for the 21st century.
- You don't know how to start a bilingual program?
- You don't know another center who has done it?
- You are not confident as you don't speak another language?
- You don't want your children to be left behind?
We have created a comprehensive program that will lead you step-by-step to implementing a bilingual program that is:
- curriculum-independent
- language-independent (currently offering English, Spanish, French, or Chinese)
- does not require existing teachers to learn another language
Will it be too hard? Will it be too expensive? Will it be too complicated, especially if you don't speak another language?
That is exactly why we created the Pancha Method.
Our mission:
We are raising the next generation of multilingual Americans before they reach kindergarten to be brighter and smarter and leaders of the 21st century.
And your center can be at the forefront of this movement.
Pancha Method is specifically designed to help early childhood centers utilize the time they have with children and give them the gift of another language.
Steps to buy:
- schedule a 45 minute call together to get to know your center
- co-create a customized plan together to suit your center's needs
What does a bilingual program using Pancha Method look like?
- all teaching staff are trained via an online self-paced course
- all classrooms will have a minimum of two teachers, one English speaking Lead Teacher and one foreign language, native speaking Assistant Teacher
- all teachers will use Baby Sign Language to enhance their interaction with the children
- both teachers are following the same curriculum and are mirroring and repeating in their languages but using the same BSL signs as each other
- the classroom is set up to support all three languages (English, BSL, foreign language)
- songs and books are used to support the three languages
- each teacher only has to learn more BSL words to support their curriculum which is where our app helps them with low-pressure and zero-anxiety. We minimize the burden of what the teachers have to learn and implement.
- guidance in hiring new native speaking foreign language assistant teachers
- support and guide for the families to understand the method and to use more BSL at home
- weekly support for the teachers with Q&A sessions